Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pinyin Translations

The post has been edited.
Pinyin Translations for "Loving You From Another Angle" (by Raymond Lam), as requested by rockroll.

Please do not repost.

Edit: Okay, so I kinda just realized that when you guys said pinyin, you probably meant Canto pinyins. Yesterday, I was being retarded and did Mando pinyins. (I take Mando in school so whenever I hear "pinyin", I just automatically assume it's Mando) Anyway, since realizing my (stupid) mistake, I found some Canto pinyin translations of the songs both rockroll & Phuong requested. There are only 2 songs on, but if you guys need any more songs, I can personally do the translating. And to answer Phuong: I believe there are only Chinese-Mando Pinyin translators out there, none for Canto pinyin.



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